IT Computerization & Transformation

Digitization & Transformation

  • Digitize artwork, logo or file

  • Creative artwork, flyers, publications or newsletter

  • Transform paper-based process to electronics

Online Business, document management & Cloud-based business operation

  • Website/ Store creation

  • Setup and implement digital payment

  • Custom-built and cloud-based business systems

  • Setup and implement remote document management, workflow approval and cloud storage

  • Implement systems and tools to allow remote office operations

Virtual Meeting/ Conference/ Training

  • Platform & Equipment selection/ installation/ configurations/ management

  • Implement systems and tools to allow remote office operations

  • Online content creation

Equipment Management

  • Equipment selection/ installation/ configurations/ management

  • Retrofit/ Upgrade/ Repair

Training & Support

  • Phone/ On-site support

  • Staff training

  • YouTube Channel
